Dreams are rekindled.
Love transforms dreams.
You would think strongholds would be a makeup of good character at present; yet, they can hinder on many levels. When you possess strongholds, you are fixated on doing things in the same manner repeatedly. You might think this is good mental health because you are able to rely on what has worked for you in the past. Any person who has survived distress, damage, hardship, suffering, trauma, etc, fill in whatever applies, finds strongholds particularly useful because they are very much manifested into survival techniques.
Yet, they can also keep you from loving others. You rely on defense mechanisms instead of your heart. This does not allow you to see the vulnerability of others or worse your own vulnerability. So, you are not being true to yourself. Everyone needs love, so a stronghold or many strongholds can keep you from giving or receiving the comfort you or others need or lack. This makes your heart incomplete. Because when you give and receive from the heart, you are truly blessed to see what you are capable of. This is to love others and more importantly to love yourself through others as best unconditionally as you spiritually can.
Why am I telling you all of this? Love transforms Dreams!
To tear down strongholds is to be free of hindrances. If you remove hindrances, love is capable of growing. Then dreams are rekindled and can come true. Then others who are also free believe in their own and your dreams. Dreams that have been tucked so deep into your soul that the heart has no way of reaching them. Dreams based on your vulnerability but transformed through love. Each time you think of your dreams, strongholds take you captive. When you tear down strongholds, age, gender, color, culture, illnesses, etc., fill in what applies, no longer matter and dreams can come true. When you tear down strongholds, “people’s arguments and every proud thing that raises itself against the knowledge of God” is destroyed (2 Corinthians 10:4 - 5). If you have love, you have God, and who is better equipped to make your dreams come true.